Forman named maintenance and grounds director at MU

North Manchester, IN (09/21/2022) — Brady Forman, Manchester University grounds supervisor, has been promoted to director of maintenance and grounds.

"Brady has provided excellent leadership with the grounds employees and student workers, and he has stepped in as needed to assist with the maintenance department leadership," said Alexis Young, assistant vice president for facilities and auxiliary services.

Forman worked on the grounds crew as a Manchester student beginning in 2014 and graduated in May of 2018. He began as grounds supervisor shortly after graduation.

The North Manchester resident was recently named the Christopher W. Garber Staff Member of the Year.

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Manchester University respects the infinite worth of every individual and graduates persons of ability and conviction who draw upon their education and faith to lead principled, productive, and compassionate lives that improve the human condition.

Media Attachments

Brady Forman, front, works on the new Oak Grove student gathering site on College Avenue.